Current Ham Radio Test Pools
Select the most correct answer for each question, then submit your practice test to check your score. This practice test randomly pulls one question from each topic in the Amateur Extra pool.
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What is the primary cause of inductor self-resonance?
Why are optoisolators often used in conjunction with solid state circuits when switching 120VAC?
What is the effective radiated power relative to a dipole of a repeater station with 200 watts transmitter power output, 4 dB feed line loss, 3.2 dB duplexer loss, 0.8 dB circulator loss, and 10 dBd antenna gain?
What is the time constant of a circuit having two 220 microfarad capacitors and two 1 megohm resistors, all in parallel?
What type of bias is required for an LED to emit light?
Which of the following factors most affects the accuracy of a frequency counter?
How can noise from an electric motor be suppressed?
At what time of day is Sporadic-E propagation most likely to occur?
What is an effective way of matching a feed line to a VHF or UHF antenna when the impedances of both the antenna and feed line are unknown?
What circuit is added to an FM transmitter to boost the higher audio frequencies?
What is meant by the term mode as applied to an amateur radio satellite?
What is BiCMOS logic?
Which of the following amplifier types reduces or eliminates even order harmonics?
Where should a high Q loading coil be placed to minimize losses in a shortened vertical antenna?
What is the purpose of Q1 in the circuit shown in Figure E7-3?
Which of the following is required for microwave propagation via rain scatter?
What is an integrated circuit operational amplifier?
What is the approximate ratio of PEP-to-average power in a typical single-sideband phone signal?
Which of the following is a common method of transmitting accompanying audio with amateur fast-scan television?
On what frequencies are spread spectrum transmissions permitted?
What is the typical bandwidth of a properly modulated MFSK16 signal?
What is meant by direct digital conversion as applied to software defined radios?
Which of the following additional rules apply if you are installing an amateur station antenna at a site at or near a public use airport?
Which of the following represents an inductive reactance in polar coordinates?
What logical operation does an OR gate perform?
Which amateur band requires transmission on specific channels rather than on a range of frequencies?
What types of amateur stations may automatically retransmit the radio signals of other amateur stations?
What is the approximate feed point impedance at the center of a two-wire folded dipole antenna?
In the antenna radiation pattern shown in Figure E9-1, what is the front-to-back ratio?
What type of packet frame is used to transmit APRS beacon data?
How much power is consumed in a circuit consisting of a 100 ohm resistor in series with a 100 ohm inductive reactance drawing 1 ampere?
What is the purpose of the preselector in a communications receiver?
What are the majority charge carriers in N-type semiconductor material?
What is the half-power bandwidth of a parallel resonant circuit that has a resonant frequency of 7.1 MHz and a Q of 150?
What is the approximate physical length of an air-insulated, parallel conductor transmission line that is electrically one-half wavelength long at 14.10 MHz?
Which is generally true for low band (160 meter and 80 meter) receiving antennas?
What may be the penalty for a VE who fraudulently administers or certifies an examination?
Which of the following test instruments is used to display spurious signals and/or intermodulation distortion products in an SSB transmitter?
Which amateur service HF bands have frequencies authorized for space stations?
By how much does the VHF/UHF radio horizon distance exceed the geometric horizon?
What is one advantage of using ASCII code for data communications?
What is the necessary bandwidth of a 170-hertz shift, 300-baud ASCII transmission?
What does SAR measure?
Which of the following is a desirable amount of selectivity for an amateur RTTY HF receiver?
What are three oscillator circuits used in Amateur Radio equipment?
What describes frequency division multiplexing?
Which of the following is often determined using a Smith chart?
What type of equipment is commonly used to implement a ham radio mesh network?
Which of the following is true of a charge-coupled device (CCD)?
How are the capacitors and inductors of a low-pass filter Pi-network arranged between the network's input and output?